PhD. Defense Talk


Today I succesfully defended my PhD. thesis Learning to Behave - Reinforcement Learning in Human Contexts. I am now a doctor of philosophy!

In the Netherlands it is customary to give a 10 minute talk prior to the actual defence. This talk is aimed at a general audience because the defense is a public affair and because it is nice to tell friends and family what the thesis is about!

Please find the transcript below and the accompanying slide deck (in Dutch) here.

Picture of me defending my thesis


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Dear Rector, dear attendees

Today I want to talk to you about artificial intelligence, or ‘AI’ for short.

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AI looks at how intelligence in nature can be imitated in machines. Because intelligent beings in nature can learn behavior based on experience, it is a good idea to ALSO give machines a learning ability. In machines, behavior can be seen as a sequence of choices. Every choice is made based on the situation at that moment. Depending on the task that the machine has to learn, we can give a score. The right behavior then consists of making choices that yield the highest possible score. To achieve a high score, you must look ahead.

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It is important to take uncertainties into account. After all, no one is certain about the future

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With these basic principles of reinforcement learning – or reinforcement learning in English – we have managed to achieve impressive results.

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This made it possible to beat the best people in an age-old mind sport, to design better computer chips and to fly through gates very quickly with a drone. These applications show that reinforcement learning is feasible in practice, can handle complex problems and therefore has the potential to make our lives better. But they also disappoint in some ways. They have been achieved in highly controlled environments, where people only play a limited role.

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That is why I looked at environments where people play a major role. In part 1 of the dissertation I describe applications of reinforcement learning in such environments.

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I first looked at the ways in which reinforcement learning has been used to adapt systems to the wishes, preferences and needs of individuals – personalization for short. Together with Eoin Grua, Ali el Hassouni and Mark Hoogendoorn, I analyzed 166 papers and placed them in an overview. This overview has made it clear that reinforcement learning is increasingly being used for personalization, what the most important areas of application are and which algorithms are commonly used. This overview can be used if you want to apply reinforcement learning in practice or if you want to develop new techniques.

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After this, together with Joost Bosman from ING and my promoters Mark Hoogendoorn and Frank van Harmelen, I looked at personalizing talk shows – also known as chatbots. I focused on talk shows that make recommendations for, for example, restaurants and computer equipment. I added a new recommendation task to test how such programs perform on new tasks. I also compared two variants to personalize such chatbots using reinforcement learning. These variants outperformed the best hand-made program to date in an evaluation with simulated users. The variants also appeared to do a lot better as the uncertainty about the user’s wishes increased. Unfortunately, a good simulator is not always available. To allow a program to learn, example conversations can be used. These must then be assigned a score so that the program can deduce what was a good choice during a conversation and what was not.

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Because many users do not like to give these scores, they must be determined by third parties. Giving scores by third parties is an expensive process and it is therefore important that this is done properly.

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That is why, together with Mickey van Zeelt and Hadi Hashemi from ING, I developed an interface for collecting satisfaction scores and showed that useful scores can be collected with this.

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I then looked at obtaining an optimal workforce. This is a difficult task: you have to look ahead and there are many uncertainties surrounding the careers of employees. In addition, it is difficult to indicate exactly what a perfect workforce looks like. To tackle these problems, together with Yannick Smit, Ehsan Mehdad from ING and Sandjai Bhulai, I designed a solution where HR specialists can set their goals based on key figures that are known to them. After some calculations, we find which profiles should be recruited to achieve the organization’s goals. Unpredictable events are taken into account and the solution is therefore easier to use than existing solutions.

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With these applications in mind, I take you to part 2 of my dissertation, where I looked at improving reinforcement learning using symbolic knowledge. The learning algorithms from part I use acquired experience to continually improve an existing solution.

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You can save a solution as a large table where a suitable action is ready for every situation. However, if there are many different situations, these tables need to be so large that there is – or never will be – a computer that can store them. That’s why we often store solutions as a neural network. You can see such a neural network as a long formula into which we enter a situation and from which an action emerges. We adjust the formula slightly each time, until there is little room for improvement. We then hope that the formula can also be used in new situations.

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Such extremely long formulas are relatively easy to train, can handle complex problems and have proven themselves in practice. However, they offer no safety guarantees, sometimes require a lot of experience and are not easy to manipulate directly. Symbolic AI techniques have something to offer on these last three points. These techniques describe solutions using symbols that we humans can understand.

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Because AI techniques with and without symbols complement each other, it is a good idea to combine them.

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I did that to learn how we can use ventilators in the ICU better and safer. With Martijn Otten and Paul Elbers from the Amsterdam UMC, co-supervisor Vincent Francois-Lavet and my supervisors, I tried to find institutions from a large database that reduce the risk of mortality. We also provided symbolic knowledge from a medical guideline to ensure that only settings were chosen that cause little lung damage. The evaluation showed that the solution chose more varied settings than the doctor. The settings chosen were always in accordance with the guideline. We can therefore expect that the additional lung damage will be limited. Does it also reduce mortality? The data does not provide a definitive answer to this. However, they do point in the direction of less mortality and that offers perspective for further evaluations.

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After this, I looked with co-supervisor and promoters to see how we can make the learned talk program from Part I safe. For this purpose I used a financial guideline that bank employees must adhere to in their contact with customers. This turned out to be more complicated than the medical guideline. The result was that, when the safety rules were applied, the scores of the talk show became extremely low. To solve this, we looked at whether we could use the guideline to determine whether the conversation was progressing. We then gave the algorithm a score based on this progress. In this way, the safe algorithm turned out to be able to learn. With the previous two techniques we force the algorithm to not do something. Can we also force the algorithm to do something right? To this end, I and my promotional team looked at the use of instructions to learn faster.

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The difficult thing about good instructions is that - viewed from a machine - they are extremely difficult to use. Good instructions are often a bit vague: they only describe the major steps and leave the specific ‘how’ of those steps unspecified. Executing the steps therefore does not always produce a desired result.

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We have developed a new technique to use such instructions for learning. We used games for this in which you can perform all kinds of different tasks with a number of ‘big steps’. Our program proved to be able to learn faster with instructions and was better at reusing previously learned solutions. It also turned out to be possible to solve a completely new task using previously learned solutions.

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As I showed you, I have made contributions in the field of reinforcement learning in human environments. I have shown how reinforcement learning can be applied for personalization, in dialogue systems and for an organizational planning issue. I have shown symbolic knowledge can be used to learn more safely and faster. In doing so, I have removed obstacles to the use of reinforceme nt learning in human environments and contributed to ways to make our lives better with reinforcement learning.