Today I completed the HPC course at VU University. The course was well organized and had some interesting courses. Some of the courses contained very little new information for me, though. I would recommend researchers/PhD. Students with some knowledge of programming/bash, Linux and clusters but with no experience working with SurfSARAs offerings to follow the following courses:
- Intro to distributed systems & BigData: optional refresher
- Intro to Linux and Clustercomputing: take, become familiar with Lisa
- Intro to MPI parallel programming concepts: take, get familiar with Cartesius
- Datamanagement: take to become familiar with various data storage/archiving solutions and make a data management plan for your research
- HPC Cloud: optional if interested in virtualization
- GPU Computing: as a refresher, somewhat theoretical
- Singularity with containerized applications: optional if interested in reproducibility using containers (e.g. Docker)
- Scientific Visualization: optional, if you like making nice graphs
- Data intensive computing (spark/hadoop): take, pretty hands-on and very useful in industry collaborations